Leo New Moon, Cardinal T-square, Nine Tests

Risa’s Astrology

By Risa D’Angeles

Monday (8 p.m. Pacific time) is Leo new moon. The personality-building seed thought is “I rule because I exist,” the words of the undeveloped and unintegrated personality, the “benevolent dictator,” learning (stumbling) toward true leadership. At a later time, when the integrated personality is directed by the soul, the little will joins the greater will (of God) and true leadership, combined with love, comes forth. Friday, Venus (money, values) enters Libra (Ray 3, equalizing economics). Sunday, Venus/Saturn oppose Uranus, creating new structures (Saturn) with money (Venus). This opposition connects with Pluto in Capricorn (civilization transforms). A cardinal (signs) T-square appears in the heavens initiating new ideas/realities. Mars is also in Libra (Ray 3, economics). Mars presents humanity’s personality (physical, emotional, lower mental) with Nine Tests (3 x 3).

1) Physical tests concern sexuality, physical comfort over service to others; and appropriate use of money.

2) Emotional tests include: fear, hatred (destroys relationships), and excessive and obsessive ambition/desire for power (destroys entire nations — Hitler as example).

3) Lower mind tests: pride, belief in separateness and isolation and cruelty. Everyone, all of humanity will be tested. We must call in the soul for direction. A quote from Andrew Vartic describing our present situation, “The past is archaeological, the present is creative, the future is at the crossroads.”

ARIES: Relationships, daily work, self-identity and creativity call for your attention, forming a cocoon of possible realities around you. Relationships need your passionate focus, daily work needs your intelligent loving mind, creativity needs your personality to integrate so great work can come forth. These form a triangle around your self-identity, which is daily expanding and being made new. Who are you becoming?

TAURUS: Often people think of you as practical. However, sometimes you’re not. Attempting to safeguard forever all things in form and matter, you sometimes forget maintaining things isn’t the prime focus in life. It’s a valuable asset, but if those things actually obstruct human relationships, health and the order, care and well-being needed in daily life, then they are not valuable at all. A major task for Taurus is to learn what in your present daily life is truly of value. What is?

GEMINI: Do you project a stability of thought, care, love, focus and affection toward others in your daily life? Do you fluctuate between longing for commitment and wanting to be free? It’s possible one of these is actually an illusion. One is possible, the other isn’t (at this time). In the future, these possibilities will reverse. In the meantime, for commitment to occur you must be committed first. And any subtle manipulations with others must be immediately eliminated.

CANCER: Our adult life is influenced and formed by our childhood family life. These influences can be either a good thing or something we must work hard at changing (the influences). Reviewing our past helps us understand our emotional and behavioral responses to all of life. Eliminate any idea that you (or other) families were/are “dysfunctional.” This is an unintelligent and uninformed judgment. All families are/were learning how to communicate, live, love and be together. Before harmony is created, we always (and only) learn through conflict and crisis.

LEO: Communication slows down for you in the coming three years. It’s being restructured along with your patterns of thinking and expression. The gift of astrology is that we can understand how we’re changing and the timing of these changes. If you will observe your mind during the next 30 months, notice all the mental changes taking place, especially as your mind deepens, you become more serious and a greater ability to lead emerges.

VIRGO: For the next several years, your mind will focus on needs and responsibilities, finances and values. Values are most important, and each of us must begin to seriously consider what our values are. What do you value in terms of work and making money, in terms of people and friendships, in terms of being socially responsible, tithing, helping others in need, spiritual things? What do you value about yourself? Values change.

LIBRA: So often Libras have difficulty making decisions due to the constant awareness of the many available possibilities. Librans are very interesting people, if we can understand them. They seem very social. But truly they are always in a state of wondering if choices made are correct and at times fearful of new upcoming choices. The next several years will be different. Your decisive abilities grow strong, self-assurance, too. Just don’t be cruel.

SCORPIO: An interesting situation concerning how you think is beginning to be apparent. Your mind is coming to knowledge differently. You’re being called to practicality while also being pushed into new states of religious or spiritual awareness. Something or someone close to you is no longer available allowing for a deep creative response that brings forth your gifts — gifts never seen before. They come from your heart. It’s beating faster now and less shrouded.

SAGITTARIUS: You have so many goals, dreams and aspirations, so many ideas of adventures and ways of being in the world. In the coming years, you’ll put into action practical steps to insure these dreams manifest. This is not easy. Sometimes you see the goal but are unable to explain that goal clearly to others. Off you go to the heights of an idea and leave us far behind. We’re calling you down to earth now. We want to walk and work with you and create the possible future together.

CAPRICORN: You live a life full of instructions, responsibilities and attempts to be “best in show.” You are burdened with being perceived as always successful. Anything less, in self and others, is difficult for you. Through difficulties you actually flourish. As the years unfold, you’ll find yourself becoming younger and younger, allowing the seriousness to gradually fall away. The less serious, the more you prosper.

AQUARIUS: Your library will soon begin to expand, even if you don’t have any books, even if the idea of a library is foreign to you. You will begin to read biographies, adventure stories, attempt to understand the universe, other cultures and people in different lands along with great philosophies. These will bring light to your mind, clarity to your thinking and a deeper appreciation of how you fit into the picture of life.

PISCES: The most important task for you at this time is to understand that your own personal needs, likes, dislikes, hopes, wishes and dreams are very important to the sustenance of your life and that all decisions should begin here. Otherwise, lost in a sea of other people’s ideas, resources, needs and interpretations, you disappear. Summon forth from within yourself courage, strength, self-assertion and self-belief. Call to them. They will appear and sustain you. Pray for them.

Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary wisdom school in the ancient mysteries tradition. E-mail: risagoodwill@gmail.com. Website: www.nightlightnews.com.

Categories: Advice Goddess