
ARIES: An interlude (pause) is occurring in your relationships with others. It may feel different and disconcerting. The reality is that a balance is taking place, so you can ponder upon many things and then make a choice. You might feel separate from others and may feel an inability to move forward. These are assessment tools. Two paths appear. Be very attentive.

TAURUS: The work of consciousness (awareness) proceeds and you find yourself dedicated especially to nature and the elements. At times there’s strife, which Taurus does not like. However, its purpose is to accelerate awareness. You are entering deeper into a path of healing, an art you will later bring forth. There’s much work to accomplish to “restore the Plan on Earth.” You’re doing  (and preparing) your part.

GEMINI: You would do well to take up the study of the Purpose of the Evolution in our solar system. This is a large and in-depth study only entered into and comprehended through the Ageless Wisdom. Your mind seeks truth as your heart seeks expanded consciousness. Here is your prayer: “I offer my will to the Great Will.” Then the group of study to which you belong appears.

CANCER: More and more you’re called to “nurture form.” Perhaps this takes place in the garden, where you intuitively work. Perhaps it’s preparing and providing food which nurtures others. Perhaps it’s simply to rest a while in nature and observe (and talk with) birds in the air (like St. Francis of Assisi). As you combine love with intelligence you create a fertile field for everyone’s gifts to come forth. You are generous.

LEO: Notice the opposing forces in your life these days. First, your thinking process, from lower mind to higher abstract mind thinking. During these days of choice comes a place of no return; we must choose the future path. Something I want to tell you. No one is an island. Sometimes you wish you were. However, Libra says you must make compromises and learn to negotiate – difficult for Leo. However, the most successful kings and queens have mastered these. You can also.

VIRGO: I can tell you’re weighing and choosing options. You’re wondering should you simply drop the ways you’ve been thinking and feeling or start over on another project, one more expansive and inclusive. Look back from where you’ve come. What are your strengths, what have you accomplished? Make sure your gentleness is authentic.

LIBRA: The Libra light will shine from the sun to the moon this full moon, a potent full moon for you. We’re at the halfway point of the astrological year. Libra signifies the scales, the balance and the harvest. You realize harmony and diplomacy are wise ways of being. Your instinctive nature also knows community and sharing helps us survive the upcoming winter. A door of/to forgiveness has opened. Will you pass through?

SCORPIO: You seek the mysteries, always. You are the “mystery” of the zodiac. Hardly anyone understands Scorpio. You like it that way. One of the mysteries of Libra is that there are two doors, and one must be chosen. Either door is good. One leads to a solitary life, filled with tests and trials to see if you’re discipleship material. The other leads to gestation in form and matter, waiting for a later birth and opportunity. You know which to choose.

SAGITTARIUS: The life of Sag is filled with multiple influences. The higher (Soul) and lower selves (personality) are always oscillating, seeking rest and relaxation. A certain tension of choice exists. Presently the movement is accelerated, the need to choose becomes a tension, and duality is apparent everywhere. What helps (in balancing) is having a “mission” in life, having a horse to ride, and doing lots of walking in wildernesses. Contemplation results.

CAPRICORN: Somewhere, everywhere there seems to be added conflict. Let’s give it purpose. Through conflict we are able to observe (and express!) inner battles. During this month an interlude (balance and quietness) occurs, so you can consider new choices. Desires turns into aspirations (a Soul quality). Something’s released. Also, when someone acts out, it means they don’t understand how to act differently. Be their transformation and their grace.

AQUARIUS: Here are a few things to do this autumn. Define the decisions to be made. Bring projects to a completion (harvest). Learn to negotiate with finesse. Strengthen all interactions and partnerships through recognition of gifts. Realize what you give, returns ten-fold. Give more. Share what you know to be just. Defend others’ rights. Those with culture, intelligence and education will be attracted to you. Tend to your home.

PISCES: At times, working with money can be difficult. Let’s start over here. It’s good and right to be fair with money. Ask and take what is yours. Be truthful about the money owed you. Truth will hold you. Choices will be apparent this month and usually you step aside from decisions. However, this is a most important time and the choice you make determines the rest of your life: where you will live, whom you will work with, the quality of your health. Choice is an Initiation.

Categories: Advice, Risa's Astrology