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A Good Time Was Jihad By All

By Amy Alkon “There are social conventions we all just know to adhere to, like that you don’t get to use other people’s ears as hampers for your relationship’s dirty

Advice Risa's Astrology

Valentine’s Day Full Moon Lantern Festival

Friday is Valentine’s Day, a full moon in dramatic Leo (Aquarius solar festival) and Chinese Lantern Festival. A creative multi-festival celebration – full moon Valentine’s Lantern Festival party. It’s best

Advice Risa's Astrology

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces – Reflection & Review

By Risa D’Engeles Thursday, February 6th, Mercury makes its first 2014 retrograde (from 3 Pisces to 18 Aquarius). We’re familiar with generalized guidelines for Mercury retro. No major purchases, signing

Advice Advice Goddess

Cower Rangers

By Amy Alkon I read your recent columns about guys who are too shy to ask women out. You seem to think it’s okay for women to make quick judgments

Advice Risa's Astrology

Chinese New Year, 2014 — Green Wood Horse (馬 午)

By Risa D’Angeles “…Wood gives unconditionally, giving itself to the fire ‘til there’s no more wood. This means there will be opportunities in 2014. And then they disappear.” Chinese New

Advice Advice Goddess

Dinner And A Second Mortgage?

By Amy Alkon I know you’ve discussed how the guy should pay on the first few dates. I’ve been dating a pretty fabulous woman for a month, and I’m dipping

Advice Risa's Astrology

Aquarius — Waters of Life Poured Forth For Thirsty Humanity

By Risa D’Angeles The Sun is in Aquarius. The new Age is the Age of Aquarius. Humanity is Aquarius. The New Group of World Servers, at the threshold of each

Advice Advice Goddess

Weirding Bells Are Ringing

By Amy Alkon I am a bridesmaid in a wedding in four months and haven’t been able to think of a guy to be my date. I recently met a

Advice Risa's Astrology

Water Spirits & White Magic — the Magical Work of the Soul

By Risa D’Angeles “The water spirit said the waters of the world are so poisoned (due to human contamination) that the water spirits’ (they protect the waters) life-force is weakening,

Advice Advice Goddess

Eat, Pray, Barf

By Amy Alkon My girlfriend and I just got back from vacationing in India, where we lived in an ashram (essentially a yoga camp) and she studied yoga and meditation