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Advice Advice Goddess

Serf’s Up!

By Amy Alkon My boyfriend works at a hardware store and can fix things, and in the past six months, his sister and her husband have asked him to install

Advice Risa's Astrology

Aries — the Will-to-Be

By Risa D’Angeles Last week, Sun entering Aries, the new spiritual year began. Archangel Raphael assumed protection of the Earth. Raphael is the Archangel of Healing. During Aries, Raphael and

Advice Risa's Astrology

My Pal, My Buddy, My Mom

By Risa D’Angeles My mother (96) died last week, 10:30 a.m., Thursday, March 13. For the past nine months I never left her. I am in her home. Surrounding me

Advice Risa's Astrology

Transcendence & the Three Levels of Pisces

By Risa D’Angeles Sunday is the Full moon Pisces Solar Festival (26 degrees) and Purim, the Jewish Festival of Queen Esther who saved the temple in Persia and her people.

Advice Advice Goddess

Fool Disclosure

By Amy Alkon On a business trip, I drank WAY too much with some work friends and ended up kissing a random girl I met at a bar, despite my

Advice Advice Goddess

When Harry Met Hairy

By Amy Alkon My girlfriend of six months just stopped shaving her legs and armpits. I think she is so sexy — except for this. Recently, I asked her whether

Advice Risa's Astrology

Spring Forward, Fall Back

By Risa D’Angeles Jupiter is in the astrological news this week. Thursday Jupiter in Cancer ends a five-month retrograde (since November 2013). Jupiter is the personality-building helper (ruler) of Sagittarius.

Advice Advice Goddess

The Grating Outdoors

By Amy Alkon This great girl I’ve been dating just invited me on a camping trip. Frankly, there is nothing I would like to do less. I hate camping, and

Advice Risa's Astrology

Mercury Direct, Mars & Saturn Retrograde, Lent

By Risa D’Engeles Friday morning (Feb. 28) Mercury in Aquarius turns stationary direct. Until Marsh 21 we remain under the shadow of Mercury retrograde. If we begin each day aligned

Advice Advice Goddess


By Amy Alkon “Just because your boyfriend’s parents give him cash and snow tires (and don’t even make him do tricks like a seal for every penny) doesn’t mean he’s