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Advice Advice Goddess


I like to offer “Don’t have sex!” as a form of practical advice — usually just as I’m getting into my flying car.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Autumn Equinox, the Peace Equation & Virgo New Moon

Sunday is the UN International Day of Peace. Monday is Autumn equinox as Sun enters Libra (Right Relations with all of life). The Soul Year now begins.

Advice Risa's Astrology

The Revolution Must Be Different

The Aries Moon will be here late Wednesday and Thursday. We think new thoughts and initiate new ideas. Sun in Virgo with Saturn in Scorpio help disciples to create orderly structures to anchor and bring forth new ideas.

Advice Advice Goddess

Whoa Is Me

You lost your girlfriend and were thinking, “At least I have my job.” Then you lost your job and were thinking, “At least I have my confidence.” Whatever happens, don’t say, “At least I have my penis.”

Advice Advice Goddess

Beard-Death Experience

Nobody wants to be the one to tell a guy that his attempted sexy-man scruff is a ringer for a Hobbit’s feet or plant life struggling up after a nuclear winter.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Under the Light of the Full Moon

We must be patient Thursday, Sept. 4 – we may experience limitation and restraints, feeling we haven’t done or said enough. Carefully think through ideas before explaining.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Burning Man, Mercury Enters Libra & Labor Day

It’s the week of Burning Man, the temporary intentional alternative community on the playas of Nevada.

Advice Advice Goddess

MP3's A Crowd

Desperation is always so sexy — like Abraham Lincoln in a lime-green mankini.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Strengthening the Hands of the New Group of World Servers

Friday night begins our time under Virgo, sign of the Madonna gestating a new state of awareness for humanity. Virgo is also Ceres, mother of Persephone descending underground when autumn

Advice Advice Goddess

Under New Anger Management

In touch football, you’re only supposed to put a hand or two on another player — as opposed to, oh, tearing out his soul with your bare hands, grinding it into a fine powder, and sprinkling it on your cornflakes.