Epiphany (Something New Appears), Retrogrades, New Moon

Wednesday is the feast of Epiphany (Greek for “manifestation). Walking with the Three Astrologer Kings (world messengers) since Christmas, following a star (Sirius), seeking a newborn child, on January 6th, 12 days after Christmas, holding gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh and the 12 signs, we discover the holy one. This discovery 2000+ years ago changed our world. On Epiphany we make our Three Kings Cake.

We feel our life changing this week. Thursday, Sun/Uranus square pulls us to the future (all things new). Thursday night Jupiter retrogrades (four months) offering us time to consider how to expand into that future, where and with whom? Capricorn offers new structures for the new culture and civilization.

Friday, Mercury retro, re-enters Capricorn. Mercury, the messenger, offers gifts of discernment, discrimination, order and organization. Mercury retro in Capricorn re-visits the questions – How do we envision the new world and what gifts can we offer for this new creation;” Venus joins Saturn Friday. Venus offers the resources needed to build the new structures (Saturn) for the new world. We just need to ask.

Saturday is Capricorn new moon. Everywhere the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) builds the new world for humanity. At new moon times we strengthen and support the endeavors of the (NGWS), reciting the Great Invocation together.

Tuesday, Venus trines Uranus. More change. Wednesday Sun trines Jupiter. An invitation to expand into the future. We are free, unencumbered, swimming together towards the Rising Sun. We ponder upon the Tarot card, the Hermit. We stand in Wisdom.

ARIES: What are your thoughts and feelings concerning your work in the world? Are you considering a shift, change, expansion, new job, new work, or an entirely different field of endeavor? You’re climbing the Capricorn ladder. Remember, take others with you and assist those below. Remember the true warrior is a spiritual disciple. Practicing Ahimsa.

TAURUS: You may be invited to travel. You may (most likely) say “No, too many responsibilities at home.” However, you still must expand your mind, body, emotions & spirit. Through studying astrology, preparing to teach, understanding our justice system (blind still), visiting libraries & art galleries, building a college, buying a car, cow, goat or horse to ride over the plains toward a mountaintop where the Light shines.

GEMINI: The words for Taurus interest you. Your focus at this time is resources held in common with another (or others), creating order with daily living. Things from the past in these areas return for further assessment. You ponder on why you’re living as you do, your home, how your present assists you in “walking the Path”. You’re facing two paths actually. Which is the path less traveled for you?

CANCER: It’s important to ask yourself, “Who is significant to me in my life. How am I interacting with them? Am I ignoring them, caring for them, resenting them, angry with them, or simply not interested anymore?” It’s important to remember St. Paul’s words “When a child I thought as a child. When an adult I put aside things of the child.” The Dweller is near. Love must be re-activated. Something has appropriated it.

LEO: Things, ritual and/or habitual, have begun to break down into bits & pieces. You may feel disrupted and know this will continue for several months (for everyone). The new revolution is gearing up and it needs leaders so look up & out, gather loved ones (all kingdoms) and realize your gifts, talents & abilities, many & varied, can be used to create a new order in the world. Leo is born for leadership.

VIRGO: Where in your life do you feel shadows, veils and things hiding in the dark? Where in your life is light needed? Where within you needs creative expression to liberate your spirit? How do you wish those parts of yourself could come forth? Everything will be changing in the coming year. We will have to adapt, be flexible, flow. Step into the light now and begin practicing these virtues.

LIBRA: It’s time for garden catalogues. In a month seeds must be planted. Have you a greenhouse? If not, consider one, small at first. Notice your concern with home, food & nurturing things. It’s best to grow much of our food ourselves. Begin with sprouts. You could (are, were, will) be an excellent gardener, especially with edible flowers & herbs. Everything’s transforming, including past emotions. A healing of the heart occurs. In the garden.

SCORPIO: It’s important at times of new beginnings to consider ways we communicatr. Are you satisfied with your ways? Do you interact enough with others and they with you? Do you go out and about in the community with ease? Must you, for protection, remain hidden? Have you felt restricted the last several years? How do you feel about the community, town, village, city you live in? Do people know you? Understand you?

SAGITTARIUS: For a time you may feel like staying home forever, never to wander away. Perhaps you wonder who your friends are. Emotions shift quickly. After a few moments of cheer, you’re called into solitude, silence and quietude. You have energy. Then it melts away. You’re in a boat. There’s no shore. You’re the captain, yet you’re not. The stars glide by. You make their acquaintance. You are the Hermit.

CAPRICORN: So many things appear veiled and communication has gone into hiding. It will re-emerge after enough inner assessments have been made. It’s best to stay home (or in the heart), read food, language & travel magazines. Think of yourself as a forest hermit, foraging in the wild. Tell yourself you’re preparing for a future no one yet comprehends. The hermit in the Tarot holds a lantern in the dark. Inside is the six-pointed star.

AQUARIUS: Although you may not realize this, life is preparing you for the future in very practical ways. You are recognizing who your true friends are, who helps their brothers and sisters in need. You sense a great change occurring. It’s most important to contact higher spiritual energies. They help us stay calm and poised when emotions, changes and difficulties swing by. Above all be not afraid.

PISCES: You have more internal energy, able to accomplish more tasks. There’s a new strength, a dramatic change of energy flowing through you. A new calmness, too. You stand in the moment, able to see all around. The past no longer holds and keeps you. Step by step, task to task, day by day, a new direction subtly emerges. You remain veiled. Protected. Safe.

Categories: Risa's Astrology