Making Ripples

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Making Ripples

Busy Beavers: Pests or Heroes?

Beavers do it big. They’re the second-largest rodents in the world, after capybaras (a South American relative of the guinea pig).

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Leopold’s City Folk: On Birthplace & Conservation

I was raised in many cities, in the fashion of migrating geese whose seasons have been extended into years-long springs and falls, moving across the states.

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DIY Candle Recycling

Country Wonders of Iowa makes soy wax candles that are sold here in Northwest Arkansas during the War Eagle Mill fall craft fairs.

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Same-sex Couples in Nature

At least 450 species of animals, including dolphins, bonobos, penguins, giraffes, koalas, flamingos, bison, guppies, albatross, bighorn sheep, ostriches, guppies, and yes – butterflies too – have been observed creating same-sex pairings in the wild.

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Goat Your Yard

If you’re extremely allergic to poison ivy but love gardening and landscaping, perhaps you should consider “goatscaping,” a term coined by the Enrichmond Foundation of Richmond, Va.

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Last Minute Back-to-School Shopping on Block Avenue

Parents don’t want their kids to get hurt, and most parents don’t want to see kids in general get hurt.

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Solar Cooking with the All American Sun Oven

August is hot enough to fry an egg. So why not use August to literally fry an egg? Or at least make a quiche. Or roast a chicken.

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DIY Squirrel Feeders

If you have a charismatic hungry squirrel in your life, it can be hard (or impossible) to shoo it away from the bird feeders which you lovingly stock with great expense each month.

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Are Invasive Species Bad?

There’s an old saying: if it’s not broke, don’t fix it!

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Lovely Ladybugs

Do ladybugs bring good luck? Well, not if you’re an aphid.