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Advice Risa's Astrology

Gratitude – For Each New Morning With its Light

The full moon of Wednesday brings light to Thanksgiving (Thursday) under the Sagittarius Sun and Mercury. Mercury in Sag offers humanity the message (Mercury) of thankfulness and joy (Jupiter).

Advice Advice Goddess

Dust In The Lust

Admittedly, women aren’t going to psychics and asking, “Tell me, Madam Sasha…will he have recreational sex with me? I NEED TO KNOWWW!”

Risa's Astrology

Simplicity – Preparing for Thanksgiving

When we study and apply astrology in our daily lives, we are anchoring new Aquarian thinking. Study, application and use of astrology, understanding its language, builds the new world, the new culture and civilization.

Advice Advice Goddess

Sweeping Beauty

It was so much easier when we only wore fig leaves and you could just rake next to the bed.

Advice Advice Goddess

The Gospel Of Lukewarm

In situations like this, “absence” would be more useful if, instead of making the heart “grow fonder,” it made the heart grow little legs and trot off to a bar to chat up somebody new.

Advice Advice Goddess

Fawn Juan

Gushing over a woman right out of the gate — “Wow…you have skin!” — tends to give a man all the rough-hewn sex appeal of a Care Bear.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Diwali – Festival of Light Over Darkness, an Autumn Festival

Wednesday is quiet. Thursday is transformative, surprising, Friday is detailed, Saturday we seek balance, Sunday we remember to love more, Monday wounds appear, Tuesday we communicate about those wounds.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Halloween, Altars, Forgiveness

Saturn, the Dweller on the Threshold (one side) and the Angel of the Presence (the other side) can be interesting Halloween characters.

Advice Advice Goddess

The Hurt And Confused Locker

Sure, according to Pat Benatar, “love is a battlefield.” But spending three months fighting with a sociopathic boyfriend doesn’t leave you ducking for cover whenever a car backfires like a guy who did three tours of IED disposal in Iraq and came home with most of the parts he went in with.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Sun Enters Scorpio, United Nation’s Day, Full Moon

Wednesday and Thursday (21st, 22nd) are the last days of Libra. Friday, a very complex day, Sun enters Scorpio. During Scorpio we can expect the Nine Personality Tests, Scorpio’s emphasis on death and regeneration and its call to Discipleship.