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The Fastidious And The Furious

By Amy Alkon My boyfriend of nine years is extremely messy, while I prefer things tidy and clean. Cajoling, asking, and flat-out begging him for consideration and help on this

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Serf’s Up!

By Amy Alkon My boyfriend works at a hardware store and can fix things, and in the past six months, his sister and her husband have asked him to install

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Fool Disclosure

By Amy Alkon On a business trip, I drank WAY too much with some work friends and ended up kissing a random girl I met at a bar, despite my

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When Harry Met Hairy

By Amy Alkon My girlfriend of six months just stopped shaving her legs and armpits. I think she is so sexy — except for this. Recently, I asked her whether

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The Grating Outdoors

By Amy Alkon This great girl I’ve been dating just invited me on a camping trip. Frankly, there is nothing I would like to do less. I hate camping, and

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By Amy Alkon “Just because your boyfriend’s parents give him cash and snow tires (and don’t even make him do tricks like a seal for every penny) doesn’t mean he’s

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A Good Time Was Jihad By All

By Amy Alkon “There are social conventions we all just know to adhere to, like that you don’t get to use other people’s ears as hampers for your relationship’s dirty

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Cower Rangers

By Amy Alkon I read your recent columns about guys who are too shy to ask women out. You seem to think it’s okay for women to make quick judgments

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Dinner And A Second Mortgage?

By Amy Alkon I know you’ve discussed how the guy should pay on the first few dates. I’ve been dating a pretty fabulous woman for a month, and I’m dipping

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Weirding Bells Are Ringing

By Amy Alkon I am a bridesmaid in a wedding in four months and haven’t been able to think of a guy to be my date. I recently met a