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8 Days a Week

A Gargantuan Exhibition

‘Elephants’ among works in ‘Animal Meet Human’   “It’s massive. It towers over you.” That’s the first thing viewers will notice about “Elephants,” Adonna Khare’s massive 40-foot-long pencil drawing. On

Cover Story

Jazz Women

Series brings together ‘powerhouse’ musicians   Kansas City’s Lisa Henry and Fayetteville’s Claudia Burson have their own mutual admiration society. “Typically, I’m on a bandstand with all men; it’s just

Advice Advice Goddess

Men Need Plain Speech

Hinting to a man is like emoting to a salad A guy friend of 20 years and I once fooled around years ago. Though he has a girlfriend, he keeps

Advice Risa's Astrology

Amidst the Lion’s Roar

Thursday is very complex this week with many planetary collaborations. What are they? Moon in Gemini (this & that, up & down, here & there), Mars enters Leo, Venus/Pluto, Sun/Uranus

8 Days a Week

8 Days A Week

THURSDAY (7/20) Communities Under the Canopy — With Shawna Adams of the National History Educational Company, 2 p.m., Bentonville Public Library. For all ages. 271-6816. “Marriage Is Not for Chickens”


An ARC For Bella Vista

Historic structure now home to music and more BECCA MARTIN-BROWN Raised in Bentonville, Sara Parnell remembers the brightly painted houses along U.S. 71 as the original Bella Vista —

Advice Risa's Astrology

Obedience of the Heart — Risa's Horoscopes

There is a quote from the Labors of Hercules (book) that explains the task given to Hercules (humanity) during the month of Cancer. Hercules represents humanity (the World Disciple), living

Family Friendly

Documenting A Wonder Woman

NWA Democrat-Gazette/ANDY SHUPE Friends Eris (left) and Stephanie Lewis speak Thursday, July 6, 2017, in Lewis’ living room of her Springdale apartment after the two completed work on a feature-length

Family Friendly

More art for walls

The same folks who brought a giant owl to the side of a decrepit building off the square, catching eyes and prompting numerous selfies, will soon create five more murals


FHS Grad Takes Helm

      Clark directs ACO’s ‘Kiss Me Kate’ On Friday, the Arts Center of the Ozarks’ debuts its production of “Kiss Me Kate” — the 1949 musical that features