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Advice Advice Goddess

Inner Booty

Beauty does count. And if you’re not beautiful, you better have something to make up for it.


Win Tickets!

The Free Weekly is giving away tickets for the Big Gigantic show this Saturday at the new AMP, located in the Washington County Fairgrounds.

Cover Story

Garden of Eatin'

Local farm-by-community plants seeds to counter food insecurity in the community and to teach others how to grow their own produce.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Earth: Humanity's Shadow

Like our Earth, whose needs and presence are forgotten, there’s an Earth point on every astrology chart. It’s in the sign opposite the Sun sign. Read more about your shadow.


Ozark Poets and Writers Collective Presents: The Staff of Connotations

Ozark Poets and Writers Collective celebrates National Poetry Month by honoring the talent of the community, featuring writers from the Fayetteville High School Literary Magazine, Connotations.