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The Versatale Reisling

This week we’ll celebrate springtime with a discussion of my first love, a grape that I still enjoy.


Spring Preview

The past weeks around the Northwest Arkansas music scene has seen the likes of multiple national artists…

Risa's Astrology

Hermes (Mercury) Retrogrades

Mercury, the wing-footed Hermes, retrogrades at 11:06 p.m. at 12 degrees Taurus.


‘Mother’ And ‘The Runaways’

“Mother” is a mother of a movie.


Celebrate Earth Day At The World Peace Wetland Prairie

Earth Day always seems to fall on a weekday, often coming and going without much notice. Kind of sad. What could be more important than celebrating the Earth?


Live Music & Clubs

DJ Ryan, Darren Ray, Heifer Benefit


Change is in the air

I am normally a big fan of fall fashion and see spring as a fashion period to simply breeze through.


Look Good Without Spending A Bundle

Most people can sum up their summer wardrobe with a few simple words: bikini and flip-flops. And for a select handful of sun-seekers, an actual outfit can somehow be made using those two minimal summer staples.

Legacy Archive

The iPad And Newspapers

The iPad doesn’t excite me as much as it should, considering that you’ll be reading this column on one within a few years if anybody’s still reading me at all.


‘Dear Dad’

From the minute that child came into the house, you knew you were in trouble.