Risa's Astrology for August 16-23, 2007

Esoteric Astrology as news for week August 16-22, 2007

Leo, Sirius, Regulus, & Venus Vanishes

We are reminded that during Leo, Sirius (the Dog Star) is prominent, in close relation to and cosmically rules Leo. Sirius, the blue star where Love originates, is where we are admitted at our 5th (Leo is the 5th sign) Initiation. Sirius is focused through Regulus, Leo’s 1st magnitude star also called the “heart of the Lion.” At a later time in our Aquarian age when the new world religion is established the major August festival, the Full Leo Moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force. Each of the months thereafter will be dedicated (accurately and with knowledge) to whichever constellation in the heavens governs a particular month, as Sirius governs Leo. These will be the new “Approaches” to spiritual reality and their foundation will be astrological & esoteric. For now, we can know Sirius streams through the heart of the Sun and into our hearts. Love/Wisdom (Ray 2) is the keynote during Leo.

Suggested Reading: September’s The Atlantic, articles “The Rove Presidency” by Joshua Green & “Present at the Creation” by Matthew Scully. They are eye opening. Tell me what you think.

The week: Venus retrograde vanishes this Saturday into the Sun preparing for her new role at the end of August as Morning Star in the East.

Thursday, Libra moon calls for Right Human Relations and in the nighttime, love encounters occur. A good day and night.

Friday Mercury (mind), Venus (intelligent heart) and the Sun (the light of the personality) combine. The Sun conjuncts Venus retrograde. Venus is absorbed into the Sun. We no longer see her in the night sky. Sun conjunct Venus means the principles of Love/Wisdom enter science and technology, the concrete mind becomes spiritualized, the Spirit of Goodwill radiates through and communicates Right Human Relations – our tasks today.

Saturday morning is v/c till 9:13 am when Scorpio moon begins. The day is overshadowed with a highly mental aspect of Mercury/Saturn. We are to use our minds (Saturn) and intentions to understand and work through the Harmony Through Conflict Mercury (Ray 4) presents to us. We can do this quietly and with a bit of mystery (Scorpio moon),

Sunday Mercury enters Virgo, Sun trines Pluto. Interesting day. Form (Virgo) is filled with ideas providing us with new awareness. This is very subtle. We must be aware of this transit to grasp its significance and see how it works in our lives. Ideas gain strength when connected to the magnetic quality of the Earth. But the ideas must flow through humanity (you and me) to be of use. Through us the “idea” (the fruit) is born into the world of men (minds, humanity) and we are nourished and nurtured by it. Sun/Pluto sees that we have the opportunity for renewal and regeneration through the crisis of transformation. It will be quite a day. Both subtle and not so subtle.

Monday is the second quarter moon being 90 degrees away from the Sun. There is a development and a growth occurring. Nothing comes to fruition yet. If we look at the evening western sky we’ll see the waxing moon midway between rising and setting. There’s a v/c from 6:34 till 9:44 pm when Sag moon begins.

Tuesday is happy. At 4:28 pm Sun and Saturn combine providing us focus, will power, intelligence. Everyone becomes masterful, defined and disciplined.

Wednesday morning everyone’s a bit rebellious. The afternoon a bit refined. Late afternoon Love drops to Earth. From Sirius.

ARIES: If you will notice your life at this time, the pace has quickened, ideas fill your mind, aspirations create a sense that something momentous is occurring. What are you thinking and what do you want to do in this highly charged time? Know that whatever you choose, deep discipline and structure follow. A sort of passion, too – with another or for a project.

TAURUS: Large expenses create tensions each day and night and perhaps you’re not sleeping due to this. Know that hidden in secret places, in boxes and storage units and even places you’ve forgotten are resources that you can call upon, assess, sell, exchange and use for collateral. You may not want this, since you save everything. But sometimes, the new calls for the old to change hands. Have courage.

GEMINI: You will be charming this month, communicate and interact with intelligence, discipline, structure and depth. All these are good and you’ll be excellent at them. But adding one more component, that of love (your heart) makes you brilliant and a true disseminator of Sirian energy flowing through you. Make contact with the heart of the Sun first.

CANCER: Although you can pray and meditate in silence within the labyrinth of your daily life, it’s best not to talk behind the scenes of situations that need a group level of work. Only the group can come to true reality. In reality later on in the weeks and months, you will understand this. In the meantime, gather strength and rest up for relationship changes and travel ahead.

LEO: Whereas you’ve been somewhat behind the curtain of life, you peak out this month to see what’s happening. With enough solitude behind you gradually you’ll find enough courage to say, “Here I am, can you see me?” Each year at your birthday you are of two minds. “I want to be seen but I don’t.” This will be resolved soon. As your new natal year begins we ask, “what do you want to happen?” Did you record this?

VIRGO: Lots of emotions at home perhaps along with travel and moodiness occurring, emerging when you have time to rest. Know that you are to continue to concentrate on creating a constant state of retreat around yourself so you can slow down, allow life to work gently with you and allow introspection to be your daily purpose. There is spiritual direction to this.

LIBRA: Life with you at the center is so social you’ll need to schedule rest and sleep in greater amounts. You need what is known in spiritual circles as times of hermetic reflection. In your case this is so you can re-enter the social world for you work best there and you can’t be gone from it for too long. It’s also time for your yearly review. More on this another time.

SCORPIO: Words such as achievement, success, recognition, accomplishments define this time in your life. You assess where you’ve been, what you have done, if you’ve reached goals set for yourself and what responsibilities still need pursuing. You’re distilling your live up to now. Allow no sense of failure to be felt. All that you’ve done is goodness itself. The future will last forever.

SAGITTARIUS: When I mention education does anything come to mind? What about travel or religious ideas? All of these, including a new philosophy of life (like Ken Wilber’s A Brief History of Everything) are at the edge of your mind. Perhaps it feels that it’s time to go beyond the square into newer, more spacious geometries, events, people, cultures, studies. First there will be tests. Then challenges. Then a pause. Then you’re free.

CAPRICORN: Each year at this time, a review of values, money shared, investments, savings, how one uses money (it’s time for a monetary plan) and what regenerate and brings you more life force, occurs. It is most important to follow your own lead. What feels wrong and not the right path is, guess what? Wrong and not yours to do. What feels right actually IS yours to do. Do what’s “right.” Then the perfect next phase is revealed.

AQUARIUS: Of course you’re thinking about relationships and partnerships. Whether business or intimate, relationship issues are where you’ll learn and where revelations will occur. Most important is communication within relationships. Do you listen, do you “hear”, do you attempt to understand, do you assist, do you care, do you rush to solve problems, do you learn, do you love? Pondering these will assist you.

PISCES: What is difficult about and in and your daily life (which you try to ignore and push away) will surface, emerge from shadows into the light. You will be challenged to do something about them, take another path, stand up for your own needs and take action. You will need courage, a Leo virtue. Often you are of two minds – one inner, one outer (the two fish bound by a silver cord). Pray for synthesis. Ask for help if needed. Many will come to your aid. Trust yourself.

Categories: Legacy Archive